Friday, December 3, 2010

My Next Book (;

For my next independent reading book i would read another gang related book. The reason i would read another book like that is because they are really intresting and keep me wanting to read more. I really like them books they get my attention alot. I believe Realistic Gang Books are the best books to read. I also like them because in some parts i can relate to them. I have seen alot of crimes and stuff gangster do and its nothing new thats why i like them. The next book i want to read is called "Always Running."

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


The connections between the book called The First Part Last and the show "Teen Mom" are that every teen has stuggles if you bacome a parrent at an early age. Getting pregnat or being a father at a teen age is a really hard thing to be when you have school and dont even work. My opinion in this stituation is that i know it isnt a good thing buit if this ever happens there are ways that you can succed. Some diffrences about the book and the show is that in the book it is in the dads perspective and how he stugles but he wants to succed, and in the show teen  mom is in the moms perspective and what they are trying to do to get back in track. Both have alot of stuggles on taking care of their babys but they try their best to be a good parrent and they want to do good and succed.(:

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

My Independent Reading Book

What i like about the book i am reading is that Anitta the main character is really brave. I like her because she cares alot about her family and she likes to ask alot of questions which makes me see that she is a really courious girl and want to learn new things. I also like the book because it talks about how the SIM goes to their house and how she is really scared of them, but she dont understand whyu are they stocking them. none of her family members want to tell her because they say shes to young to know what is happeing. Right at this momment that i am reading it iss talking abouty how she is in love with an American boy. she really likes him and she want to marrie him in the future. I like this book it is really exciting.